What our A1 Zoom Stars & their parents had to say about their online classes

Photo credit
Shaun Clarkson
Jasmine aged 8yrs
Jasmine had to do zoom for her dance lessons for two weeks whilst we were self isolating, this meant that Jasmine could continue her dance lessons with her dance friends and join in with the class.
This was very easy to set up on our iPad in the kitchen and jasmine enjoyed doing it.
I think it is vital that the children continue their lessons online, for their mental health whilst there is so much going on in the world.
Regards Louise
Millie aged 6yrs
had a weekly private lesson from May-September & since Halton entered Tier 3 status has been accessing one of her classes as a follow along due to transport issues.
Millie said "I liked my online dance class with Miss Jennifer I learnt lots of new things and they were really fun!!" Apparently playing spot Mr Shay in the background was also a fun game 😂
From a parent's point of view. I liked that she could focus on a skill she found a challenge and work to improve it as the online lessons allowed more time for that. She also looked forward to the lessons each week and the exercise and regular contact with someone other than our bubble in a safe way was good for her mental and physical health.
Thanks Jo

Photo credit
Evolutionary Images
Alex aged 10yrs
Alex had some private lessons via zoom from May-July has zoomed into studio classes or accessed classes as a follow along class during a period in isolation.
Her mum Kelly interviewed her and sent in the video, here's what Alex had to say about joining in online.
Isabella aged 8yrs & Jayden aged 6yrs
During the first lockdown both my children who love A1 Dance was disappointed as there was no more classes so Miss Jennifer and Mrs Stagg arranged for children to do their classes via zoom. Both my children loved doing this as they could still do their classes and it was having the teacher to them selfs which also my children loved, I will really recommend doing zoom if A1 Dance has to close for the second lockdown as your children can still carry on learning their dances and still keeps them in touch with A1 Dance xx

Emily aged 4yrs
Joined in both her weekly classes via zoom while isolating for two weeks.
Her mummy Rebecca sent us this adorable video of Emily telling us why she liked joining in via zoom.
Lily aged 12yrs & Joseph aged 6yrs
Lily joined in some group classes via zoom from May-September & both children have zoomed into studio classes or accessed classes as a follow along class during short periods in isolation.

Lily said “I think the zoom classes work well because we get to keep up with all of our grade work and continue to work on our flexibility. It is still easy to follow the instructions and get feedback on what we are doing.”
Joseph said “I enjoyed doing my dance classes on zoom because I still got to see my friends and practice all my dancing!”
Claire xx