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Babes Ballet & Modern

These popular, fun & friendly classes are structured to develop your child's confidence, encourage a joy of movement & music & get them moving. Introducing basic technique & short dance sequences to engage & delight your little one to music they know & love. Keeping them fit & active while developing their gross & fine motor skills & spatial awareness. Our classes will help to reinforce many different life skills your little one is already learning at home such as, manners, taking turns, sharing, kindness & helping others, all aspects we promote in our school. Lessons also include other elements helpful to their overall physical, mental & emotional development.

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A1 Dance Classes Runcorn

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Across the school we encourage Individual Expression helping the student gain confidence and self worth whilst gaining important attributes such as resilience, determination, fitness, to name just a few. Combining this with our development of Secure Technique and Knowledge of Correct Terminology means our classes have something for every student, whether they want to be the next big name in the dance world or are dancing for fun & friendships  our school has them in mind. We promote Performance Skills & Artistry throughout our dance lessons and motivate students to work in Groups or as Solo Work to improve themselves and each other.


A1 Dance where the Pupils needs are put first!









Boy & Girl ready for exam
teenagers ready for exam

Grades &
Vocational Training

We use National Association of Teachers of Dancing (NATD) syllabi accredited by the Council for Dance, Drama & Musical Theatre education & training (CDMT) & world renowned Acrobatic Arts & Alixa Flexibility syllabi.

Across all genres we maintain a 100% pass rate in NATD Exams

These exams can equate to UCAS points for university hopefuls in any area of study.


A1 Parents love our Reasonable Fees & Uniform prices. With Small Classes, Quality Tuition & No Large Costume Bills we hope to make dance an affordable activity.

Check out some of the lovely testimonials left by parents & students.

Scroll down for brief descriptions of the
different dance genres offered in our children's classes at A1 Dance.

Classical Ballet

Classes build to include a sound foundation of Ballet Technique. Our Ballet lessons include Steps & Exercises, Terminology, Theory & Classical Mime. Dances are included from the disciplines of Classical Ballet,

Demi-caractère, National & Repetoire. We are one of only a few select schools in the UK to offer training in this technically advanced syllabus.


A1 Dance Classes Runcorn
A1 Dance Classes Runcorn
A1 Dance Classes Runcorn
A1 Dance Classes Runcorn
A1 Dance Classes Runcorn

Modern Stage

Modern Stage Classes cover a multitude of dance genres including Jazz, Theatre, Lyrical, Disco and many other modern and ever advancing dance forms. For all of these styles we work on Technique, Steps & Exercises, Terminology, Theory. Also spending time working on Flexibility, Kicks, Leaps & Turns.

A1 Dance Classes Runcorn
A1 Dance Classes Runcorn
A1 Dance Classes Runcorn

Tap Dance

Tap dance is the characteristic sound of the metal taps on the sole of the shoes creating interesting rhythms and beats by using the toes and heels of the feet. Our Classes teach tap dances in contrasting styles whilst working on the intricate technique of tap dancing and learning the correct terminology & theory behind those steps and rhythms.

A1 Dance Classes Runcorn
A1 Dance Classes Runcorn
A1 Dance Classes Runcorn

Acrobatic Dance

(Also known as Acro or Gymnastic Dance)

Acrobatic Classes include learning gymnastic skills from cartwheels and handstands to back tucks and aerials at the same time as performing them as part of a dance routine. Dancers trained in acro learn to blend musicality, emotional expression, line & extension with acrobatic movements in a dance context. Working on Strength, Flexibility, Limbering, Balances, Tumbling and dance takes athleticism to produce a combination of both Dance & Gymnastics.

A1 Dance Classes Runcorn
A1 Dance Classes Runcorn
A1 Dance Classes Runcorn

Contemporary Dance

Contemporary Dance combines Ballet & Modern Technique whilst exploring a different level of freedom and individuality, by including floorwork, fall & recovery, improvisation and contact work between dancers. This means students discover a style of movement in this class not experienced in other genres.

The NATD syllabus is a fantastic preparation for GCSE, A-Level & Degree Level Courses. At it's introduction it was the first contemporary dance syllabus to be officially recognised by Ofqual, validated by the CDMT & eligible for UCAS points. The syllabus focusses on the work of three pioneering choreographers of our time, Martha Graham, Merce Cunningham and Jose Limon. 

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Street Dance

The latest dance styles seen in today's music videos & commercials.

Hip Hop - Popping & Locking - Commercial & More. Age appropriate. Includes work from NATD & UDO syllabi.

A1 Dance Classes Runcorn
A1 Dance Classes Runcorn
A1 Dance Classes Runcorn

Adults Classes in Classical Ballet - Fit 2 Dance

Put your best foot forward & come & join our Fun & Friendly classes.

Acrobatic Arts Logo
Alixa Flexibility Logo
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