From January 2022
A1 Dance Information pertaining to changes made to protect against transmission of Covid-19.
There are several different sets of regulations we need to follow to safely remain open & be Covid-19 secure.
You can be assured we take all the action required to work within the guidelines & adhere to the restrictions due to Covid-19. Our students safety is our paramount concern & we will be regularly checking for any changes to the government guidelines. We will regularly review the guidance & advise you of any changes we make.
Please read the information below & revisit as needed.
You will be informed of any changes as necessary.
To keep yourself & others safe parents & students need to be aware of the changes we've made:
What you need to do in advance of you / your child attending a class. (reviewed & updated December 2021)
Getting ready to set off for class. (reviewed & updated December 2021)
Parking & drop off & pick-up at Hope Corner. (updated Winter 2021)
Arriving at the Venue. (Reviewed & Updated Autumn 2021)
During & Exiting Class. (Reviewed & Updated Autumn 2021)
Tips to help keep yourself & others safe
I’m sure you will be aware of most of these but please read through them to comply with our
risk assessment for Covid-19.
In advance of the class
Please have a chat with your child about how it is important to stay distanced from others.
Show them how to always cough or sneeze into a tissue or the crook of their elbow.
Practice how to properly wash or sanitize their hands.
Make sure you keep abreast of any changes to the rules set out by the government, the venue or A1 Dance.
Please pay fees directly into the bank as per your invoice, or in the Trial Period a minimum of 24hrs before class.
Make sure any uniform has been washed & any shoes or equipment cleaned.
Dancers should arrive at class 'Dressed Ready to Dance' with just a top layer to remove when they arrive.
Dance shoes should not be worn outside, it damages the shoes & tracks unnecessary dirt & grit onto the dance floor which can be dangerous. (A parent suggested sliders over ballet shoes & this has been working well.)
Ready to set off for class
Thoroughly wash & dry hands prior to leaving home.
Have a Face covering / Mask you will need to wear one to enter the building.
Have hand sanitizer & clean tissues with you (please provide these for your child).
Arrive with enough time to change shoes etc. & be ready to start on time. Precious learning time is lost when classes are interrupted by late arrivals.
If travelling on public transport or car sharing abide by the current government guidelines, wear a Face covering / Mask & keep your distance.
See parking at Hope Corner.
Arriving at the Venue
Please adhere to any social distancing requirements according to government guidelines & building signage.
Adults should wear a face covering / mask if entering the building.
Like many other out of school providers working within the Covid-19 restrictions we have been operating as drop & go with parents waiting in the car park.
From November 2021 - Parents are once again able to come inside the building to drop off & pick up their child. -
Anyone entering must sanitize their hands before going through the double doors, sanitizer will be available but please provide your child with some & some tissues to take into class.
Register - Give your child's name to the member of staff on reception so they can be marked on the register.
For the younger children, please have their dance shoes ready to put on & you may be asked to take their coat with you, a quick 'see you later' & away avoiding touching anything, sanitizing your hands on the way out & leave via the fire escape.
All staff, parents / guardians & students must abide by all instructions in the building, hand hygiene, distancing, use of facilities etc. At Hope Corner only the disabled toilet will be in use. At Castlefields the disabled toilet near the Main Hall should be used.
Practice good respiratory hygiene, try & have a clean tissue on your person ready to catch a cough or sneeze, bin it & wash / sanitize hands as soon as possible. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze tight into the bend of your elbow.
During & after the class
Dancer's should leave a space between their belongings & someone else’s.
It’s personal choice whether to wear a Face Covering / Mask while dancing but we ask that Face Coverings / Masks are worn elsewhere inside the building from age 11yrs.
Updated Autumn 2021 - Dancers will still be placed at a distance from each other & will be instructed on how to stay safely spread out. We will be following all the relevant guidelines.
If a teacher should need to approach a student they will adopt any necessary hygiene measures & use of masks etc.
Dancers will be ask to sanitize their hands before & after using any equipment & before & after any floor work.
Please be aware that the next set of dancers will be entering as you're picking up so please leave promptly through the fire exit at the back to avoid to much mixing.
Teacher has been advised by management that;
Hand sanitizer will be available for use at the main entrance & at stations throughout the building.
Only the disabled toilet should be used until further notice.
Everyone should avoid unnecessary touching of surfaces. If you use a chair put it back.
Sanitizing of barres & other equipment is continuing & more frequent cleaning of high risk areas such as handles, toilet facilities etc.
Any participant or parent acting in disregard of the rules will be asked to leave.